SICK PUPPIES Release 'Creature' Single From Upcoming 'Wave The Bull' Album

December 6, 2024

SICK PUPPIES will release their next album, "Wave The Bull", on March 28, 2025 via ONErpm. The official music video for the LP's third single, "Creature", can be seen below.

Since bursting on to the music scene in the early 2000s, SICK PUPPIESBryan Scott (guitars/lead vocals),Emma Anzai (bass/vocals) and Mark Goodwin (drums/vocals) — have sold over one million albums, including a gold certification for "Tri-Polar", had five rock radio hits, including "You're Going Down", which reached No. 1, amassed over 310 million global streams, and have had their music featured on hits shows like "NCIS" and WWE.

"We are all familiar with what it means to 'take the bull by the horns,' but to 'wave the bull' is a different take on approaching life's most difficult times," the band states. "To wave the bull is to provoke, embrace, and surrender to the battles that will inevitably scar us — a battle cry for the emotional masochist. Antagonizing adversity, afraid of nothing. This is the central theme, and philosophy behind our fifth studio album, 'Wave The Bull', as we reflected on the thick skin grown from the trials, and tribulations of our band's history and hardships, both professionally and personally."

SICK PUPPIES continue: "This concept album is a collection of songs that thematically, lyrically, musically, and sonically double down on the narrative that it's not about what life throws at you, it's about the way in which you face it. So, wave the bull!"

"Wave The Bull" track listing:

01. There Goes The Neighborhood
02. Friends Like You
03. Creature
04. Going Places
05. Fix Me
06. Knock Your Lights Out
07. Find A Way
08. Feel Again
09. Hurricane
10. Dead & Buried
11. Fuck 'Em All
12. Halfway Home

In addition to being known for their extensive range of pivotal accomplishments, SICK PUPPIES are a formidable live act that has clocked in over 1,000 live shows in the U.S. alone over time, sharing the stage with the likes of MUSE, THE KILLERS, BREAKING BENJAMIN, INCUBUS and TOOL. Notable festival plays include Rock On The Range, Carolina Rebellion, Welcome To Rockville, Louder Than Life, Download (U.K.) and Aftershock.

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